Article 9276 : Circuito Centella

The Circuito Centella set is not found in any of the CIPSA catalogs, but it is shown on a side panel of the Circuito Diabolico set, released in 1978.

Side Panel of Circuito Diabolico Set

Close Up of Panel


The "Sparkle Track" set is the equivalent to the "Silver Circuit" set released by Mattel in 1976.

Circuito Centella, Original Box

With new chromed cars, achieving high speeds with only a few seconds of charging.

At least one example of a set in the the original package is known. The artwork shows two long battery models: the Comotion and March F1.
This suggests that the CIPSA "Sizzlers II" line may have included some long battery cars but there is no conclusive evidence yet.

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