Article 3310 : Bomba
Featured in the 1971 CIPSA Catalog, the Bomba is known as the "Juice Machine" in the US released Sizzler products.

1971 Catalog Image
"Full of power, this pump loads energy to the Sizzlers"
"It works with batteries and it takes 90 seconds of charge for a Sizzler to run 4 or 5 minutes"
The Bomba was supplied with all CIPSA Sizzler sets for 1971 through 1973. It was also available as a separate accessory.

Front of Package
"Battery Charger for Sizzlers cars"
"Complete charges in 90 seconds"

"High Power Fuel"
This photo shows the front, top/bottom and rear of the Bomba. Originally made in the USA, the CIPSA version shows
a change in the "country of origin" on the bottom. The Mattel Logo on top was never modified.

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