Modelo : Sidekick

Diagnostic Characteristics:
The Sidekick is a Wave 3 release using the Hong Kong casting dated 1970. The differences between the CIPSA version and the Hong Kong versions are twofold the paint
colors, the absence of the black trim paint on the rear louvered section. Both versions have windshield glass with a blue tint.
- Mustard Yellow Enamel
- Green Enamel
- Blue Enamel
- Front : Medium Capped redlines
- rear : Large Capped redlines
The first known example of the CIPSA Sidekick was sold on ebay in late 2006. The entire car is decomposing. Only a few additional Sidekicks have been found and all of
them are also crumbling. Presumably, the entire production of CIPSA Sidekicks are afflicted which is why there so few are known.

CIPSA Sidekick Crumbler
The base cracked into several pieces. The car was glued back together and resold.

CIPSA Sidekick vs. US Sidekick
The most obvious difference is the omission of the black trim paint on the louvered rear of the CIPSA version. The paint is also a different shade.

Rear View of the CIPSA Sidekick vs. US Sidekick
Although the tail lights are painted on the CIPSA version, it is not believed to be a factory feature as it is not found on other confirmed examples of the casting.

All four Colors of the Sidekick

CIPSA Sidekick in Metallic Green
This is the second known example of the CIPSA Sidekick. It was found in a collection owned by the grandson of a former CIPSA employee.

CIPSA Sidekick in Metallic Blue

CIPSA Sidekick in Mustard Yellow Enamel
As of 2016, less than 5 examples are known, all of which are decomposing. Click on the link to the Sidekick Registry to see all known examples of this casting

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