Article 3335 : Correcaminos Doble
In the 1971 catalog, this accessory is called the "Impulsor Correcaminos Doble",
however when released, the name changed to only "Correcaminos Doble".
The Correcaminos Doble accessory is called the "Dual Lane Rod Runner" in the domestic US market.
1971 Catalog Image
"Not needing batteries or electricity, the most innovative driver that allows the continuous competition of
car against car in double closed circuits. Two children can play simultaneously"
The Correcaminos Doble was issued in 1971 along with a number of other orange track accessories.
The package describes it as "Impulsor de Palanca" which translates to "Lever Drive Unit".
As part of the great "find" of 2005, at few examples of this accessory have survived, sealed in the original package.
Front of Package
"Road Runner Lever Drive Unit"
"No electricity nor batteries required"
The word "Correcaminos" translates to Road Runner, like the nemesis of Wile E Coyote!
Rear of the Package
"Watch them compete through the Rod Runners and the Figure 8 track, lap after lap!"
"Instructions for operation inside, Does not contain track or cars"
Top/Bottom Panel
"Lever Drive, Accessory fo Hot Wheel cars, track and curves. No need for batteries"
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