Modelo : Porsche 917
Diagnostic Characteristics:
The CIPSA Porsche 917 is a Wave 1 release that uses the 1969 dated US casting. No casting differences are noted. The most significant difference between the
CIPSA 917 and the domestic 917 is the paint color and texture. There are subtle differences in the glass and the tail light area. The car was supplied with
stickers as part of the track set.
- Yellow
- Blue
- Green
- Red Enamel
- Front: Small Caps
- Rear : Small Caps
- Lightly smoked tint or just a bit opaque
The CIPSA Porsche 917 is almost always missing the rear canopy glass. Remnants of the stickers are seen on some examples. A 917 button was also supplied
with the car as part of the track set.

CIPSA Porsche 917 in four colors
All four standard Wave 1 colors of the Porsche 917

CIPSA Porsche 917 Interior and Glass
The CIPSA glass(R) appears to be a bit more opaque than the US glass (L). The interiors look the same.

CIPSA Porsche 917 Tail Light Area
The black paint on the rear of the CIPSA version (R) has a different texture and is not at neatly applied as the US version (L)

CIPSA Porsche 917 in Red

CIPSA Porsche 917 in Blue

CIPSA Porsche 917 in Green

CIPSA Porsche 917 in Yellow

CIPSA Porsche 917 in Salmon? : This particular example has a salmon tint that is difficult to photograph.
As of 2016, less than 20 Porsche 917's are known. Click on the link to the Porsche 917 Registry to see all known examples of this casting

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