Modelo : Mustang Stocker
Diagnostic Characteristics:
The Mustang Stocker is one of the two Wave 5 releases, the last of the diecast cars made by CIPSA in 1978. It was only issued as part of the Super Circuito Diabolico
trackset in the yellow enamel color. The stickers were supplied as part of the set. The CIPSA version of the Mustang Stocker uses the 1974 HK version
of the casting. The base of the car does not appear to have receive a final zinc plating as they are all dull. Furthermore, all examples of the Mustang Stocker
show evidence of crumbling.
- Type 3 Through hole wheels, medium front and large rear
The Mustang Stocker was one of two cars in a CIPSA track set called the "Super Circuito Diabolico", along with the Porsche 911. The CIPSA Mustang Stocker
is similar to the 1974 release of the same casting.
CIPSA Mustang Stocker vs. HK Mustang Stocker
These four panels illustrate the similarities of the CIPSA version to the domestic version of the Mustang Stocker. The CIPSA Stocker
has stickers in place of tampo and the chrome on the wheel hubs is omitted. The P911 which came in the same set also lacks chrome on the wheels.
Super Circuito Diabolico Box
The set appears to be a version of the Thundershift 500 set. It also appears to be the last Hot Wheels item ever produced by CIPSA.
The history of the set and the cars was largely unknown, even to the CIPSA community until 2009 or so.
Box Panel Detail showing the Mustang Stocker and P-911
CIPSA Mustang Stocker
This piece is the only known example that is fully intact with the original stickers.
This piece sold on eBay in 2010. The base on this piece has been substituted with a Malaysia base and wheels. The original base probably crumbled.
Note the poor fit of the based to the body at the front end.
The most recently found piece is unspun and reportedly came from a former CIPSA employee. It, too is crumbling.
The wheels and glass are incorrect and are probably "donor" pieces take from later version of the car.
As of 2018 less than ten Mustang Stockers are known. Click on the link to the Mustang Stocker Registry to see all known examples of this casting
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