Modelo : Mod Quad

Diagnostic Characteristics:
The Mod Quad is a Wave 4 casting and uses the normal US casting. No casting variations are noted. The paint, glass and interior are different from
the normal production Mod Quads.
- Mustard Yellow
- Blue
- Green
- Front: medium caps
- Rear: medium caps
For several years, the Mod Quad was known by only a single fragmentary piece, the top of the body in mustard yellow. Subsequently the first complete
example was found, also in mustard yellow. A single blue example which is missing the front motor and a green body top have been found.
All of the known pieces have "crumbling" issues.

The only known complete Mod Quad
Although it has sustained damage to the roof hatch frame when Sid tried to open it, it is otherwise in good condition.

Mod Quad base

A Nearly Complete Blue Mod Quad
Reported by a collector in Mexico in early 2016

Fragment of a Mustard CIPSA Mod Quad
Found Mexico City in 2008

Fragment of a Green CIPSA Mod Quad
This fragment was found in October, 2012 in Mexico City.
As of 2016 only two complete Mod Quads are known. Click on the link to the Mod Quad Registry to see all known examples of this casting

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