Modelo : Hiway Robber
Diagnostic Characteristics:
The Wave 4 release of the Hiway Robber differs from the 1973 HK version in that it is equipped with the sliding roof and it has different wheels.
All known examples are in enamel colors that differ from the similar HK coors. No casting variations are noted.
- Light Blue Enamel
- Red Enamel
- Orange Enamel
Wheels, 2 variations:
- Type 2 Metallic Redlines, Large, front and rear
- Type 3 Blackwalls, Large, front and rear
- Black Interior
- Black Sliding Roof Cover
The Hiway Robber uses the 1973 release HK casting of the same name. As is typical of CIPSA's, the base is labeled HK and the rivet spins are odd.
The plastic roof piece was omitted in the Mattel '73 Hiway Robber but is included in the CIPSA version. Being a Wave 4 release, the Hiway Robber
has been found with both Type 2 and Type 3 wheels. A single Zamac prototype is known to exist.
Hiway Robber CIPSA (Top) vs. Hong Kong (Bottom)
As compared to a normal HK '73, some differences are evident:
- Sliding Roof where there should be none
- Big wheels in front vs. small on the HK
- Type 2 or 3 CIPSA Wheels
- Clear Glass vs Blue Glass
Hiway Robber Bases, HK '73 on top, CIPSA below
The bases of the two versions are identical.
Hiway Robber in Light Blue
The casting was confirmed in December, 2005 with the discovery of this light blue Hiway Robber with CIPSA metallic redline wheels.
This was one of the earliest examples of the Type 2 wheel that is unique to CIPSA
Hiway Robber in Red
This red example came out of the Gorin collection and is one of the earlier examples of the Type 3 CIPSA wheel.
Hiway Robber in Orange
Among the known Hiway Robbers, the "signature" piece is this orange Hiway Robber, that came from a former CIPSA executive.
As of 2016, less than 20 examples of the Hiway Robber are known Hiway Robber. Click on the link to the Hiway Robber Registry to see all known examples of this casting
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