Modelo : Pit Crew

Diagnostic Characteristics:
The CIPSA Pit Crew Car is a Wave 4 release using the 1971 release Hong Kong casting. The CIPSA version of the Pit Crew is unique in a number of ways.
The paint colors are not found in normal HK production, the interior is black whereas the HK interiors are cream or silvery and the tool kit is black
with no silver detailing.
- Black Enamel
- Yellow/Orange Enamel
- White Enamel
- Medium Caps in front and Large Caps in rear
- Black Interior and Tool Piece
The Pit Crew is one of the signature CIPSA castings, mostly due to the sheer audacity to produce it in black, the opposite of every domestically produced Pit Crew Car.
Although also produced in a yellow/orange color and white, the black Pit Crew, made famous by Rodrigo the "Mad Hunter", remains one of the most iconic CIPSA Hot Wheel cars.

Pit Crew Paint Colors : All three colors of the CIPSA Pit Crew. The yellow/orange is only found on the Pit Crew and the Superfine Turbine.

Pit Crew White Color Comparison : The CIPSA white color, in the center, differs significantly from the HK white paint.

Pit Crew Interiors
The HK version of the Pit Crew has a silvery color(L) or a cream color(R) whereas, the CIPSA version is black (C).
Also, the windshield glass on the CIPSA version is clear vs. a blue tint on the HK version.

Pit Crew Tool Kit
The HK version of the tool kit(L)is a dark brown plastic with silver painted highlights whereas the CIPSA tool kit is black with no detailing(R).

Pit Crew in Yellow/Orange

Pit Crew in White

Pit Crew in Black
As of 2016 less than 20 Pit Crews are known, about half of them black. Click on the link to the Pit Crew Registry to see all known examples of this casting

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